To every couple that successfully survived lockdown, we’ve got something you need to read.
Thanks largely to the global lockdowns, in an effort to curb the spread of the novel COVID-19 virus, couples worldwide are realizing that they’re not quite as randy as they used to be. While science and mental healthcare professionals have found hundreds of possible reasons as to why this could be true— many of us regular folk have been trying to figure out how to get our urge to bang back.
While we can’t exactly help balance household roles, or figure out how to give you all some much-needed time apart— using things like sex toys and bisexual porn might just be the wake-up call for your libido that you’ve been looking for. Because masturbation and porn use have both been linked to lower stress levels, which is something we could all enjoy.
Lockdown Libido is Real
Here’s the thing, as a society, we tend to tell ourselves some really convenient lies when it comes to dealing with global crises. Just like the baby boomers before us, it wasn’t the hardcore and stress full situations that had us all getting down and making babies— it was the moments after. In fact, it wasn’t until well after WWII— around 1945 to be exact— that birth rates began to spike, creating the all too familiar “baby boomer” generation. And the same goes for Covid lockdown birth rates, whereas many assumed intense self-isolation and stay-at-home measures would result in a baby boom— what’s actually been seen is a baby bust. Here’s why:
Being locked up 24/7 with your partner is actually a strain on most relationships, add on to that the intense stress that the global uncertainty has brought to us all, and you’ve got the perfect recipe for less than stellar libidos. Something that was actually anticipated by any of those people that were watching the numbers historically. That’s because recessions and pandemics actually serve to dampen our intimate drives— largely because of the insidious stress that they place upon our households. So, if you’ve been feeling less than sexy lately, you’re absolutely not alone. But good news! There are many ways to get your sex life — and intimacy— back on track by watching emrata nude.
How to Get Your Groove Back
Essentially, stress hormones like cortisol, adrenaline, and others can serve to essentially shut down even the healthiest libido. That’s essentially because your body runs on two internal types of clocks— the “fight or flight” system, and the “feed and breed” system. Properly known as the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS), respectively. While most of us are fairly familiar with the SNS system (thanks enduring anxiety), little give much thought to the PSNS. But the PSNS is the system that helps us appropriately digest our food, affects our sleep and waking cycles, and most definitely the drive to get randy.
In order to really support a thriving PSNS, hormones and neurotransmitters like oxytocin and acetylcholine. While there are a ton of other neurotransmitters and hormones that play significant roles in maintaining either system— these two are extra important when it comes to our libidos and our sense of intimacy. Want to boost these two? Spend more quality time with your significant other, talk more— and maybe even watch more porn.
In a study that focused on viewing VR porn, researchers found that both women and men who watched porn excreted more oxytocin than other groups. It could also suggest that watching bisexual porn— or any other type of porn you’re both into— could reasonably be expected to help boost feelings of being desired, as well as feelings of desire for your partner. So, cuddle up with some naughty flicks and get ready to kiss your lockdown libido goodbye.